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Zen Communications

PR & Communications


We’re true advocates for evolving and advancing our ways of working in order to be better and to do better – for both our clients and our team.

In this ever-evolving PR world, we’re excited to again be at the forefront of the latest evolution – eager to continue supporting our clients with real added-value content to help them inform, enthuse, and inspire those who matter the most to them.

While we still love assisting clients with day-to-day PR tactics, we’re increasingly finding that they need us in a new way too.

Which is why we’ve launched a brand-new series of PR & Communications Packages…

So if you have brilliant in-house resource but are looking for some top-line strategic guidance and the tools and tactics to totally empower your team, then this is for you.

And with something to suit every business need and budget, we can help you to review, realign and revolutionise your communications.

Strategic Blueprint

£3500 (Plus VAT)

Are you often pulled into the day-to-day noise of tactical communications, delivering what’s needed in the moment, but feeling like it’s tough to find time to take a step back and take full stock?

Our full Strategic Review and Blueprint will not only give you a really solid grounding stone, but also a firm framework to sense-check your future tactical work against, and some powerful new business markers too!

To achieve this, we will:

  • Conduct a half day shirt-sleeves strategic briefing session with you and your senior team to drill down into your core one, three, and five-year strategic aims and – most importantly – develop real insight into who you need to positively impact, inspire, and connect with to (either) make those happen, or make them significantly easier and faster. (We’ll also cover off the kind of new business that you’d love to replicate)
  • Develop a dynamic strategic plan to reach each of these highlighted personnel or organisations, including an overview of their likely psychological drivers, the core messaging that will need to be landed with them, any challenges or obstacles to overcome, any opportunities to leverage, and the channels available. This will be a practical document which will act as an influence and persuasion Blueprint.
  • Present this to your senior team, and to your marketing team and support agencies, for them to weave specific outputs into their tactical marketing plans. We’ll help you set-up checks and measures! And, we’re on-hand to support the delivery of any aspects of the Blueprint which fall outside of your team’s expertise or reach, or to assist with additional messaging or nuance as you need moving forwards.

Swipe & Deploy

£2,500 (plus VAT)

Are you looking for the development of a comprehensive communications plan for your internal team to simply ‘swipe and deploy’?

Following thorough research, we’ll compile a 12-month plan of activity – highlighting who you need to be talking to, what you need to be saying, and when and how you need to be saying it.

It will include:

  • Profiling of the psychological drivers of your core new business targets, and a list of topics and narratives that will be most compelling to them
  • Comprehensive and up-to-date media lists for up to three key sectors (covering newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, and online)
  • Details and profiles of all core social media influencers
  • A list of all relevant events and exhibitions taking place (for attendance and/or speaking opportunities)
  • Details of all appropriate awards you could enter
  • Exploration into all and any relevant podcasts and webinars for potential interview on / involvement in
  • Development of a contact list of all core (complementary) organisations and associations you could forge alliances with.

Up & Running

£750 (Plus VAT)

Are you looking for some tools and techniques to get your own teams ‘up and running’?

Often, we see businesses achieving *such* brilliant things with a supportive and eager internal team, but they just don’t quite know where to start. So, let us support you to simply and effectively communicate with the people that matter most to you.

We’ll develop and deliver a series of ‘How To’ guides on:

  • Using a Media List
  • Pitching to Journalists
  • Writing a Press Release
  • Writing a Guide.
Plus, we’ll research and compile a personalised and comprehensive media contacts lists (for one of your core target sectors).

And, we’ll draft a bespoke press release for your team to send out to your shiny new media list.

Review & Audit

£750 (Plus VAT)

Are you hoping to understand if what (and how) you’re currently communicating is actually working? Are you asking yourself:

  • Is my website engaging, informative, and easy to navigate?
  • Does it clearly communicate what my business does and who it does it for? 
  • Am I utilising the right social media channels?
  • Is the content I’m posting compelling, varied, and visually appealing?

To help you ensure your website and social media actively support you to effectively raise your brand awareness, showcase your expertise, and engage with customers and prospects, we can:

  • Undertake a full review of your website and make recommendations for all and any potential updates, tweaks and additions
  • Conduct an audit of your current social media channels and make recommendations on how to maximise potential, enhance engagement, and – ultimately – use them to drive sales and assist with leads (and we can check out some of your core competitors too to see if/how they’re using it)
  • Identify some core communications themes and draft soundbites and hashtags

And, we'll put together a 'Tips & Tricks' document to support you and your team to use social media in the most effective way and to maximise its potential ongoing. 

Customer Journey Communications

From £650 (Plus VAT)

When was the last time you fully reviewed the communications your customer receives from start to finish? To check they’re aligned with how your business shows-up. To check that there are no gaps or ‘too-many-touches’. And to check that they’re psychologically primed to support your customers’ needs in that very moment.

Regardless of your business size or sector, we can help you to refine, polish and perfect your customer pathways, by:

  • Sourcing and reviewing every client communication you share – from emails and letters, to scripts for calls and live chat
  • Laying these out in a timeline, and advising what’s perfect, what needs a light polish, what needs reworking, and what needs to be dropped or created
  • Advising on the tempo of communications (as well as the channels and vehicles you use too).

Because the extent of communications differs from client-to-client, we have an in-depth, moderate, and a light rate depending on the volume of comms. We’ll absolutely advise this before starting work, but for each respectively we’re happy to cap the cost at just £1,450+VAT, £950+VAT, and £650+VAT.

If you're interested in exploring our PR & Communications Packages further, do drop us a line at and we'd love to have a chat.