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Fancy a free £2,000 to spend on kick-ass PR advice and support?

Posted by Zen | 22nd January 2015

Fancy a free £2,000 to spend on kick-ass PR advice and support?

If you've ever wondered about the joys of working with Zen but haven't explored it before, then the Government's Growth Voucher scheme could be just the incentive you need...

Not only are the kind chaps at UK Gov putting their hands in their pockets to the tune of up to £2,000, but they've approved Zen as one of a handful of expert Marketing advisers, and we're all set up and ready to help you make 2015 the year you stand out for all of the right reasons.

By simply completing a two minute application online you can find out if you've been picked at random as a lucky recipient - what better way to spend your next coffee break? The scheme only runs until March though, so time is ticking if you fancy harnessing the power of PR to keep, enthuse and attract new customers. After all, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and the rest hire public relations officers :)


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