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Team Zen All Set to Tee Off

Posted by Zen | 23rd April 2015

Team Zen All Set to Tee Off

Whilst none of us here at Zen HQ is a particularly talented golfer, we didn’t want to deprive our much-loved clients of the opportunity to tee off in Shropshire Chamber of Commerce’s much anticipated Golf Competition tomorrow!

We are therefore delighted to announce that the very wonderful Paul Elton and Jon Gidney of Elton Gidney will be our knights in shining armour, and will represent us on the day alongside Steve Gardner and their own client – and former professional football player – Don Goodman.

Teams will tee off from 9am at the picturesque Wrekin Golf Club and will be treated to a breakfast bap and a post-competition meal, before the winning team is presented with the converted Chamber trophy.

For the first time ever, we think we’ve got a pretty good chance of a podium finish!

Good luck chaps :-)


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