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The Power of Marking Momentous Occasions

Posted by Zen | 28th August 2018

The Power of Marking Momentous Occasions

With our lovely Rhi taking some time off to hold her youngest boy’s hand on his very first day of school, we reflect on our roles as communicators in helping our clients to mark their own milestones and achievements.

Being there to support him at such a momentous occasion got us thinking again about the importance of recognising milestones both big or small, and how we at Zen try to implement this practice on a very regular basis. After all, if your business has achieved something big, why not promote your successes with the people who really matter?

We recently helped one of our clients mark their 25th anniversary in business, where they wanted to give something back to the people and organisations that had played a role in supporting them throughout the years.

They pledged to raise £25,000 to be split across five selected charities, and not only did coverage in their core media help to raise their profile (and further strengthen their position as a national leader in their field), but it also saw donations coming in from all angles – regional, trade, and prospective customers! The entire project was launched, monitored and wrapped up beautifully with a bow – and five large cheque presentations handed over to their chosen charities.

And like Rhi being with her youngest on his big day, we believe it’s incredibly important to cherish moments that truly are irreplaceable, and we help our team and our clients to do the same.

Whether it’s promoting the achievements of businesses reaching an anniversary, or producing content that’s engaging, enthusing and exciting to announce a member of staff passing a qualification that they’ve been studying for years. Being aware of such occasions that you can not only share with your team, but with your core stakeholders, is hugely useful from a PR perspective to engage, connect, and interact with those who are relevant to you.

…So what better way to mark Rhi’s little boy’s first day at school than to share our own childhood photos with the world! The question is, can you guess who’s who from the Zen team?!


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