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Zen #15for15

Posted by Zen | 11th August 2022

Zen #15for15

As part of our 15th birthday celebrations, we pledged to assist 15 charities, organisations and causes with PR and communications support.

We’ve always been committed to giving back. And, we recognise that it’s now more important than ever to support these invaluable causes to allow them to continue to provide the much-needed help and assistance to individuals and families across our community.

We received an incredible response, and have greatly enjoyed reading about the amazing and worthwhile local charities and events - we feel very privileged that so many of you shared your stories with us.

The team had some really tough decisions to make! Whilst we wish we could support every one of the fantastic organisations nominated, selections have been made and all nominations now contacted.

We are *so* excited to start working with some fantastic charities and organisations - so, watch this space!

And, to those unsuccessful this time, we will absolutely keep your details on file should we do something similar in the future!



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