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Zen Team takes part in TechTimeOut Tuesday

Posted by Zen | 23rd June 2019

Zen Team takes part in TechTimeOut Tuesday

Last week, Zen once again signed up to TechTimeOut Tuesday as a way of encouraging and supporting our team's digital wellbeing.

TechTimeOut is designed to challenge us to take a full break from all things digital, be it for 10 minutes or 10 hours - focusing instead on something that benefits us physically and/or emotionally. Each member of the team fully embraced the challenge, choosing to spend time doing something that really energised them.

Felicity, our MD, took the opportunity to bake her mum a birthday cake, and a delicious one at that. The act of baking can have an almost meditative effect, allowing people to lose themselves in a creative activity that can positively impact their sense of well-being.

Head of Agency, Rhi, spent quality time with her boys, though it may have proved more difficult to keep two young men away from computers and games consoles for half an hour so this was a challenge indeed!

Claire sat back and took a break with a large cup of hot chocolate and her beloved Sudoku. Phone on silent and in another room, her favourite music on and dogs by her side, pure non-technological bliss!

Harriet decided to kick back with a copy of Heat magazine. Not many people know that Harriet used to work at Heat, which gave her the chance to meet Alan Carr! I’m sure he would have approved of her choice of reading matter!

And finally, Jen took to the extremes and spent a week away in the fabulous Scottish highlands where (with no wifi or phone signal) enjoyed more than her fair share of tranquil moments!

It was a valuable break and something we're all looking forward to doing more of, not just in November but each and every day.

To learn more about TechTimeOut, get tips on how to reduce your tech usage, and how you can sign up for yourself visit:


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