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Hosting Budding PR Professionals

Posted by Zen | 13th March 2024

Hosting Budding PR Professionals

It’s no secret that we’re passionate about PR 2.0. And we’re committed to supporting talented, enthusiastic, and brilliant budding PR professionals to gain experience in our much-loved industry – and to expose them to these new ways of doing things…

Which is why we’re proud to regularly host students from across the local area, providing opportunities for them to try out first-hand just what agency life is like. (And to gain a sneak peek into the way we work at Zen).

We recently hosted Abbie Raybould, a 6.1 student currently studying English Language, English Literature, and Art and Design at Thomas Telford School. Here, she shares her motivations for dipping her toe into the PR pool, as well as her placement highlights:

Why did you contact Zen Communications?

“With a love and passion for both English and design, I was eager to expand my knowledge of communications (within the corporate arena) while also utilising my creative flair. I wanted to better understand what B2B PR actually consisted of, and how the industry works.

What did you learn from the experience?

“Throughout my time at Zen, I was able to witness the impact that PR and communications has on a business – with regards to relationships with both their employees and clients. Plus, it was clear to note that without effective (internal and external) communications, a business will ultimately fail.

“And the entire experience was also important to my personal development. Following the placement, I’ve now decided to further study towards (and hopefully obtain) a career within this field.

Tell us about your experience highlights

“I really enjoyed my work experience, and am grateful for the opportunities I was given. As soon as I joined the team, I felt the genuine care and ethos of the company as I was welcomed and wholly supported.

“Through their realistic representation of tasks that make up a career in this sector, I was able to obtain a true understanding of what a future in this industry could be like. I particularly enjoyed activities including: creating media lists, designing social media posts, and conducting research.

“A huge thank you to Zen for your help and support – in making my work experience so enjoyable, providing valuable insight into the PR industry, and for helping me determine my future career plans. I enjoyed every moment and am extremely grateful to you all for giving me this terrific opportunity!”


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