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News at Zen

25th June 2015

The Power of NLP in PR

Having recently attended the two-day NLP Level 1 course in Birmingham, we realised that there was a significant benefit of implementing NLP into business, and in particular, PR. Although learning many different skills on the course, one aspect which naturally stuck out was the use of sensory language.

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24th April 2015

It’s Official: Zen is the Best Place to Work in Shropshire!

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that having been shortlisted as one of the ‘Best Places to Work’ in our region, we were crowned overall WINNERS at the Shropshire Star’s Excellence in Business Awards ceremony last night!

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23rd April 2015

Team Zen All Set to Tee Off

Whilst none of us here at Zen HQ is a particularly talented golfer, we didn’t want to deprive our much-loved clients of the opportunity to tee off in Shropshire Chamber of Commerce’s much anticipated Golf Competition tomorrow!

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08th April 2015

Press Releases: A Recipe for Success

The Great British Bake Off finale is fast approaching and to mark the occasion, we’ve whipped up an easy-to-follow recipe for the perfect press release!

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19th March 2015

The Emoji Epidemic: Should we be concerned?

Emojis, also referred to as emoticons, seem to be taking over our lives in every way possible at the moment – these small digital icons are dominating our electronic communications and even filtering into the spoken language.

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