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Teaching the Love of Language

Posted by Zen | 15th August 2018

Teaching the Love of Language

As grammarians, linguists and technical writers, we're naturally fanatical about all things related to language.  And, with many of the Zen team having young (and older) children, we're also hugely passionate about sharing this love of the English language with them and helping them to develop and nurture their own love of words...

There is an old, but fabulous poem, that is often read in schools to help explain to children the different parts of speech and language - and we wanted to share it...

"Every name is called a noun,

As field and fountain, street and town.

In place of noun the pronoun stands,

As he and she clap their hands.

The adjective describes a thing,

As magic wand or bridal ring.

The verb means action, something done,

As read and write and jump and run.

How things are done the adverbs tell,

As quickly, slowly, badly, well.

The preposition shows the relation,

As in the street or at the station.

Conjunctions join, in many ways,

Sentences, words, or phrase and phrase.

The interjection cries out, “Hark!

I need an exclamation mark!”"


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