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The Secrets to Communicating with Absolute Mastery

Posted by Zen | 06th May 2021

The Secrets to Communicating with Absolute Mastery

Our fabulous MD Fliss recently joined the equally fabulous Nicky Lowe of Wisdom for Working Mums to share her insights and The Top 5 Secrets to Communicating With Absolute Mastery.

With four members of the Zen team busy working mums, it's vital that we learn how to maintain our integrity when it comes to communicating. As working mums, we have more stakeholders than most - we can literally go from communicating with our children and their care providers in one breath, to speaking with clients and colleagues in another.

In this recent podcast, Fliss shares tips on how to take positive control of how we're perceived as working mums, how we can truly own our space, and how we can powerfully and ethically influence the people who matter most to us. Tips which can be effectively used in the boardroom, round the kitchen table, or on the school playground.

To listen to the podcast, you can visit Spotify | iTunes | Stitcher or the website


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