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Zen's MD Breathes Support Into Budding Business Ideas

Posted by Zen | 01st December 2014

Zen's MD Breathes Support Into Budding Business Ideas

Felicity Wingrove was called upon to sit on the panel of Telford’s very own Dragons’ Den initiative – which rounded off a series of successful activities as part of Telford & Wrekin Council’s Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Following in the footsteps of Kelly Hoppen, Felicity sat on the panel at Southwater One which was made up of leading businesspeople from across the county. The group of four were not only on the hunt for Shropshire’s next big thing, but on hand to offer advice to all the fledgling entrepreneurs. 

Individuals were given the opportunity to present their varying business ideas with the overall winner securing £3,000 worth of business support, which included PR, marketing and branding, and business coaching. Chris Ryder, founder of Witty Pics a caricature company for corporate events, weddings, and parties, was the overall winner and blew the Dragons away with her exciting business plan to launch into the children’s education sector.

Felicity explained: “I was delighted to be asked to sit on the panel of Telford’s Dragons’ Den event, and it was a pleasure to witness first-hand so much enthusiasm and creativity. I launched Zen Communications just over seven years ago, so could absolutely identify with the individuals pitching, and understand their passion and desire to launch something of their own.

“There were some fantastic ideas pitched to us, and it was a pleasure to be able to support each and every candidate and offer constructive advice and guidance. I’d like to congratulate the overall winner, Chris Ryder, who impressed us enormously, and I look forward to working with her in the future, providing PR support as part of the business package she successfully secured."


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