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What Exactly is Strategic PR?

Posted by Zen | 08th October 2016

What Exactly is Strategic PR?

Back in the 1990s PR was most certainly the poor cousin to marketing, but it’s absolutely come of age and it’s no longer about simply getting a client’s name out there, but much more about sharing really credible, context-rich content which is aligned to the people who matter to you, and focused on what they really care about.

Take this analogy as an example. You’re in a room and you see a gorgeous guy or girl. You take a breath, walk up to them and say “I am fabulous!” That’s advertising.

Same party, same prime specimen of gorgeousness, but this time – seemingly independent of you – everyone in the room approaches him or her and not only says how fabulous you are, but why, and what it means to them. You, well you can bask in the glory and appear as modest as you like. Not for you the brashness of self-promotion! That’s public relations.

But, and here’s the real secret of great PR, if he or she isn’t looking for fabulous they still won’t call. And that’s strategic public relations.

We develop avatars for the people who really matter to you, build media profiles around them so we know exactly how we can reach them (traditional PR channels, digital, direct, experiential or through advocates – more on this in our next post), and then we share messages that matter to them but which are aligned to your commercial objectives. Simple really!

Check out our short video which explains a little more about what PR really is... 


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