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What Genuine Flexibility Means to Zen | Lucy

Posted by Zen | 26th April 2024

What Genuine Flexibility Means to Zen | Lucy

Back in 2020, we completely abolished the working week, meaning the team no longer has set hours (or days) where they must be chained to their desk. Instead they have absolute autonomy to work when best suits them, their commitments, and their energy cycles – providing it’s also a win for our clients and the agency as a whole. And we’ve never looked back, it’s truly been one of the best decisions that we ever made. But don’t just take our word for it – here Lucy shares what #GenuineFlexibility means to her:

“I’ve just celebrated two wonderful years with Zen, benefitting from our genuine flexibility in so many ways that I couldn’t ever imagine working anywhere else. Having the freedom to choose when and where I work enables me to flex and adapt exactly as my family needs, so I’m not reliant on wrap-around childcare despite single parenting two young children whilst living hours away from any family support. And I can flex when clients or colleagues need me too – so we can support each other and keep the agency running like clockwork.

“I typically start my day at 5am – having had the autonomy to figure out my own energy cycles and rhythm, I’ve learnt that I’m naturally at my most focused and energised then. This means clients are getting my best work, and I can accomplish some great uninterrupted writing before the madness of the school run. Getting ahead of the day enables me to slot everyday tasks like food shopping into these child-free periods too. And it even allows me to squeeze in valuable ‘me time’, which helps me to show up as my best self in all aspects of my life - I’m not pouring from an empty cup.

“Being able to juggle my career and single parenting in this way means everything to me. I’m financially much better off by not needing to rely on costly childcare, and can be present after school to support with homework and talk about our days. We’ve also more time for activities they love – like aerial hoops! And their faces light up when they spot their biggest cheerleader at every school event.

“Thanks to Zen’s flexible working approach, I spread annual leave across the school holidays. Having total flexibility for the remaining monthly hours enables me to effectively manage my workload and enjoy the fun times too. Now I look forward to the summer spending quality time with my children, rather than dreading the impossible juggle that so many parents face (not to mention the mum guilt too). Zen’s flexibility hasn’t just improved my quality of life – but my children’s too. And I couldn’t be more grateful for that.

“Plus, it hugely benefits in maintaining my relationship with my partner – a Chief Petty Officer in the Royal Navy, who was posted to California for three years last June. Zen’s commitment to helping employees truly live their lives (and to supporting Forces families) means I can visit without using annual leave needed for the summer. Instead, I can take my work with me, and effectively plan my workload before, during, and after the trip. Which is a win: win for me, my relationship, and our clients.

“In fact, at the time of writing this, I’m sitting 5,500ft up on the veranda of a cute and compact mountain cabin at Shaver Lake. I’m surrounded by pine trees, snow, and – likely – a few black bears. It’s very beautiful, and remote, yet thanks to the wonders of modern technology, I’m working through my inbox feeling focused, productive, and incredibly grateful.

“And I’m taking my children to sunny California for the six-week summer holidays – taking full advantage of my flexibility to manage my workload, from wherever and whenever. They’re super excited! Being able to facilitate this time together as a family is so important to all of us.

“My situation is unique to me, but everybody has their own equally unique dynamics. And genuine flexibility allows us to enhance every aspect of our lives. It truly should be the norm wherever possible to help facilitate a happy and healthy life:work balance.

“Long-distance relationships, single parenting, and even being a working parent is hard. But thanks to genuine flexibility I can find a harmony that works for me, allowing me to step into my brilliance in each role at a time that suits, meaning I don’t have to make compromises between my family and my career.

“Genuine flexibility really is my lifeline.”


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